Sunday, 2 October 2011

Credit checks Kansas City

credit checks Kansas City

I read through their agreement pretty closely, credit checks Kansas City and looked at their content page. They state that they are members of our trade organization, The Mystery Shopping Providers Association (link below).

I have been a member of the MSPA for 7 years, and have never heard of this company.

Further, this company is not a member and is not listed in their credit checks Kansas City database. If credit checks Kansas City you don't know how this company got your information, it is 99% likely that this is credit checks Kansas City a scam. free credit report government

Real shopping companies have a process that you must go credit checks Kansas City through: 1. When shops are available in your area, you will be notified via email with the locations, and pay/ reimbursement by location. You can credit checks Kansas City view the shops, and choose to apply for a shop or not. If you apply, you usually have to wait to find out credit checks Kansas City if you have been selected. get your credit report free

The shopping company will select you credit checks Kansas City based on your individual application for each individual credit checks Kansas City shop.

If you are selected for an assignment, you will receive notification via email. You then may login to the database and view the shop, read the instructions, credit checks Kansas City etc.

Most companies pay via paypal, and they pay within 30-60 days of completion.

What to avoid: No REAL company will attempt to send you offers from their sponsors, either, as this company claims they will. It helps if the company is BBB certified The company will have a phone number on their website The website will look legitimate The website WONT show dozens of people happily showing off their new ipod The website won't promise hundreds or thousands of dollars a month or credit checks Kansas City day The website won't promise cruises, trips, etc. free credit report from the government

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